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CMG Designer - February 4 2023.jpeg

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world 

—James 1:27 (ESV)

Children Matter.

There has never been a child conceived who did not have immense worth in the eyes of God. Therefore, we are excited to partner with the Keystone Family Alliance to care for orphans in York County. Whether you would like to foster children in your home or support foster families near you, there is an opportunity for you to share the love of Jesus with kids who, quite frankly, may question whether anybody loves them.


Currently, we are recruiting other churches to partner with us to officially have a York County coordinator with the Keystone Family Alliance. To do so, there are certain funding requirements. Additionally, we need individuals who are willing to meet practical needs of foster and birth families and receive an email when a need arises. (For example, a birth mother needs a twin bed in order to get her child back or a foster family has just taken in children and needs clothing for them.) It's an easy way to love these kids and families while meeting extremely practical needs. If you're willing to receive an email like this, click here.

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